HillTopCity Faith Formation Academy

Membership 101

Membership 101

A course introducing foundational beliefs, practices, and responsibilities for individuals seeking active membership within the church community.

Discipleship 201

Discipleship 201

Advanced course focusing on deepening spiritual growth, leadership development, and active service within the church community.

Christian Leadership 301

Christian Leadership 301

Advanced study emphasizing strategic leadership principles, spiritual discernment, and effective ministry management within the church context.

School of Ministry 401

School of Ministry 401

An in-depth program exploring advanced theological studies, pastoral skills, and practical ministry applications for aspiring leaders.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-Marital Counseling

A course offering guidance, communication tools, and foundational insights to couples preparing for a lifelong commitment in marriage.

Sunday School

Sunday School

Weekly educational sessions fostering spiritual growth, biblical understanding, and community connection among members of all ages within the church.